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Book rating

Rating a book is the perfect way to determine which pieces deserve your time and attention. Our cloud "book rating" tag collects the most highly rated books that have become true bestsellers and won the hearts of readers around the world. Here you'll find both classic masterpieces and contemporary bestsellers who have won acclaim for their engaging plots, vibrant characters and deep ideas. Check out ratings, reviews and recommendations to help you choose your next favorite book. Immerse yourself in the world of literary achievements and discover works that will leave a mark on your soul!


Winning hearts
Price: 9.55 USD
Book Ceramic Hearts. Natalia Matolinec Fantasy
Book Ceramic Hearts. Natalia Matolinec Fantasy
Price: 3.27 USD
Book The Human Factor. Secrets of the long-term success of outstanding companies
Book The Human Factor. Secrets of the long-term success of outstanding companies
Price: 10.93 USD
The guy at all 100% Alexander Zotov series Top Secret
The guy at all 100% Alexander Zotov series Top Secret
Price: 7.54 USD
Book for the children of Sharmuzika. Beyond Greater Galavia (augmented reality)
Book for the children of Sharmuzika. Beyond Greater Galavia (augmented reality)
Price: 7.54 USD
Book for Children How Tiny Creatures Live
Book for Children How Tiny Creatures Live
Price: 4.14 USD
The Book of the Advent of Robots. Technique and the Threat of Future Unemployment Martin Ford
The Book of the Advent of Robots. Technique and the Threat of Future Unemployment Martin Ford