Main / Books about sound

Books about sound

Books about sound are a unique way into the world of acoustics, music and sound design. This cloud tag collects works that cover a variety of topics, from the basics of sound physics to stories about musical genres and sound engineering. These books will help you understand more deeply how sound affects our perception, what emotions it evokes and how it can be used in art and everyday life. Whether you're a musician, sound engineer or just a music lover, here you'll find materials to enrich your knowledge and inspire new creative experiments. Immerse yourself in the world of sound, discover its versatility and learn to appreciate each of its nuances!


Winning hearts
Price: 4.40 USD
Book Save Capitalism. How to make the free market work for people Robert Reich
Book Save Capitalism. How to make the free market work for people Robert Reich
Price: 5.78 USD
Book Purpose
Book Purpose
Price: 6.28 USD
Comic Morbius. The Living Vampire
Comic Morbius. The Living Vampire
Price: 8.79 USD
Elementary! Science Detective
Elementary! Science Detective
Price: 7.54 USD
The book Atlant shrugged. Part three. And there is A
The book Atlant shrugged. Part three. And there is A
Price: 8.04 USD
The Locomotive's Christmas Adventure
The Locomotive's Christmas Adventure