Scientific articles
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In-depth knowledge: Our scientific papers provide access to in-depth knowledge and research, allowing you to familiarize yourself with cutting-edge scientific topics.
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Usability: You can listen to audio versions of scientific articles when you have free time, or read text versions at your convenience.
Go to the Select Scientific Articles page and start downloading materials to help you broaden your scientific horizons and stay up to date with the latest scientific advances. We have for you many interesting and relevant scientific articles on a variety of topics.
Winning hearts
Price: 5.53 USD

Cats Warriors 1. Book 3. Forest of Secrets (Paperback)
Price: 8.29 USD

Book Memoirs Skoropadsky Pavel Petrovich
Price: 8.29 USD

Book Footwear-Being. Nike story told by its founder
Price: 4.77 USD

Book for children School without boredom. Excursion
Price: 9.80 USD

Book Academy of Researchers. Creche feather Book 2
Price: 8.79 USD

A guide to the world of growing up for girls: changes in the body, the first lunar and body positivity
Theater and film actors

David Spade

Bogdan Beniuk

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