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Main / Digital and audiobooks

Kondratyev Yuri - Several days - Chechnya

Kondratyev Yuri - Several days - Chechnya A few days - Chechnya "is a deep and believable narrative by Yuri Kondratyev, which reflects the realities and complexities of the military conflict in Chechnya. The audiobook presents personal observations and impressions of the author based on his experience and research. Kondratyev masterfully conveys the atmosphere and tension of hostilities, and also touches on the human and social aspects of the conflict. This work provides listeners with an opportunity to understand more deeply the complex and often contradictory events that took place in Chechnya.

- Author: Yuri Kondratyev

- Genre: Documentary prose, military literature

- Duration: Unknown

- Reads: Unknown

- Description:

A transparent and plausible description of the military conflict in Chechnya, based on personal observations and the author's experience. The audiobook conveys the atmosphere and complexities of hostilities, and also touches on the human and social aspects of the conflict, providing a deep understanding of events.
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