Children's world in choice
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Main / Digital and audiobooks

Tay Josephina - The Daughter of Time

Tay Josephina - The Daughter of Time The Audiobook Daughter of Time by Josephine Tay is a masterfully written mystery novel that combines elements of historical investigation with a tense plot. The protagonist, a detective who is recovering from a serious wound in the hospital, begins to investigate an old crime related to the story of Richard III and the murder of two princes in London.

Tay skillfully combines historical facts with a fascinating detective plot, creating an atmosphere of mystery and tension. The novel offers listeners a unique look at historical events and a deep study of human nature. This piece will be a great choice for lovers of intellectual detectives and historical mysteries.

- By Josephine Tay

- Title: Daughter of Time

- Genre: Detective, Historical Prose

- Format: Audiobook

- Duration: (Specify if available)

- Language: (specify language if not in Russian)
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