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Main / Digital and audiobooks

Mirror for Hero

Mirror for Hero The audiobook "Mirror for the Hero" by Svyatoslav Rybas is a fascinating work in the genre of psychological prose. The plot of the book revolves around the protagonist, who faces internal conflicts and personal crises. Using a mirror metaphor, the author explores the deep aspects of personality and self-destruction, causing the hero and listeners to reflect on their own identity and motives. The fisherman masterfully creates an atmosphere of internal tension and emotional complexity, immersing the reader in a world of deep reflection and psychological trials.

- Author: Sviatoslav Rybas

- Genre: Psychological prose

- Duration: Unknown

- Reads: Unknown

- Topics: Internal conflict, self-reflection, personal crisis

- Language: Russian

This audiobook will be interesting to those who appreciate deep psychological portraits, emotional intensity and philosophical reflections on human nature.
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