Children's world in choice
The book is crumb. Lines + stickers for toddlers
The book is crumb. My Adventures + Toddler Stickers
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Main / Digital and audiobooks

Hard adepta in teaching or mermaids also cry - Valentina Jezerskaya

Hard adepta in teaching or mermaids also cry - Valentina Jezerskaya The audiobook "Hard Adeptic in Teaching or Mermaids Cry Too" from Valentina Jezerskaya is a fascinating fantasy novel that immerses listeners in the world of magic and mysterious creatures.

The main character of the book is an adeptic of magic, who faces difficulties in her training. In the process of mastering magical knowledge, she has to not only cope with her studies, but also understand the complex relations and mysteries of the world around her. Mermaids and other mythical creatures play an important role in the plot, adding elements of magic and intrigue.

The book combines elements of fantasy, adventure and personal growth, offering listeners a rich world of fantasy and deep character experiences. Valentina Jezerskaya masterfully creates an atmosphere of magic and magic, filling the story with interesting events and unexpected turns.

- Author: Valentina Jezerskaya

- Genre: Fantasy

- Subject matter: Magic, mythical creatures, personal growth

- Duration: Approximately 10 hours

- Format: Audiobook

- Reads: Unknown
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