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Main / Digital and audiobooks

Love story 01. Monsters bloodsuckers

Love story 01. Monsters bloodsuckers Bloodsuckers "- the first book in the series" Love Story "by Christopher Moore. It's an unusual and gripping story, with mysticism and romance intertwined in original style.

In the center of the plot are strange creatures - bloodsuckers, who cause many mysterious and dangerous events. Moore creates a unique world filled with mysterious characters and intriguing plot twists. Like Moore's other works, the book is replete with black humor and satirical elements, giving the story a special charm.

The main narrative line focuses on unusual love relationships and attempts by heroes to cope with the consequences of their interaction with mystical creatures. Reading a book is a fascinating journey through a world where reality and fiction merge into a single whole.

- By Christopher Moore

- Genre: Mysticism, fantasy, romance

- Format: Audiobook

- Target audience: Lovers of mysticism and fantasy, fans of black humor and unusual love stories

- Duration: Unknown
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