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Main / Digital and audiobooks

Bezuglov Anatoly, Clarov Yuri - Behind the line of sentence (In the investigator's office and in the courtroom)

Bezuglov Anatoly, Clarov Yuri - Behind the line of sentence (In the investigator's office and in the courtroom) "Behind the sentence line" is an audiobook in which Anatoly Bezuglov and Yuri Clarov share their experience and knowledge about the work of investigators and the trial. In this piece, you'll find fascinating tales of complex cases, dramatic legal proceedings and complex moral choices. The book covers both the internal experiences and complexities of investigators and the legal aspects of the trial, providing listeners with a unique perspective on justice and the law.

- Title: Behind the sentence line (In the investigator's office and courtroom)

- Authors: Anatoly Bezuglov, Yuri Clarov

- Genre: Documentary prose, court stories

- Format: Audiobook

- Duration: Unknown

- Target audience: Interested in justice, legal practice and litigation

- Features: Real stories from the life of investigators, detailed coverage of trials, insightful observations.
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