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Main / Digital and audiobooks

Legends of Old Petersburg

Legends of Old Petersburg Legends of Old Petersburg "is a collection of exciting stories and myths related to the history and culture of St. Petersburg. The audiobook is a kind of audiovisual excursion in an era when the city was full of secret stories and mysteries.

Plot and content:

- Theme: Legends and myths of old Petersburg, revealing the historical and mystical aspects of the city. It's a journey through the most mysterious and interesting pages of his past.

- Characters: Storytellers bring to life various historical figures, mythical creatures and mysterious characters associated with St. Petersburg. These stories bring the city's past to life and give it mystical charm.

- Format: Audiobook allows listeners to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of old Petersburg in a convenient format and enjoy stories about its legends.


- Title: Legends of Old Petersburg

- Genre: Historical legends, mystical stories

- Format: Audiobook

- Duration: Unknown

- Language: Russian

The audiobook Legends of Old Petersburg offers a unique immersion in the atmosphere of the ancient city, allowing listeners to learn about the most interesting and mysterious aspects of its history.
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