Children's world in choice
Smart stickers. Forms 2 +
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The book is crumb. Colors + stickers for toddlers
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The book is crumb. Looking at numbers + stickers for toddlers
The book is crumb. Forms + stickers for toddlers
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Main / Digital and audiobooks

Yuletide stories: Nikiforov-Volgin Vasily, Shmelev Ivan, nun Varvara

Yuletide stories: Nikiforov-Volgin Vasily, Shmelev Ivan, nun Varvara The audiobook "Yuletide Stories" is a collection of stories written by Vasily Nikiforov-Volgin, Ivan Shmelev and nun Varvara. In these works, the magic of the saints comes to life, into which legends about Christmas, New Year's miracles and folk customs are woven.

- Author: Vasily Nikiforov-Volgin, Ivan Shmelev, nun Varvara

- Genre: Yule Stories

- Features: Immersion in the atmosphere of Christmas and Holy

- Format: Audiobook

- Audio Time: Check the specific version

These exciting stories will fill your holidays with warmth and comfort, take you into the atmosphere of ancient Russian traditions and give a special meaning to the saints.
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