Children's world in choice
The book is crumb. The Opposite + Toddler Stickers
The book is crumb. Lines + stickers for toddlers
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Main / Digital and audiobooks

Nagibin Yuri - The brilliant and sad life of Imre Kalman

Nagibin Yuri - The brilliant and sad life of Imre Kalman The Brilliant and Sorrowful Life of Imre Kalman "is a biographical work by Yuri Nagibin dedicated to the outstanding Hungarian composer Imre Kalman. The audiobook is a carefully researched and emotionally intense biography in which the author takes a detailed look at Kalman's life path, his musical heritage and personal dramas.

Kalman, whose name is associated with magnificent operettas and musical works, was not only a recognized genius, but also a man who faced many difficulties. Nagibin explores not only his artistic achievements, but also the tragic moments in the composer's life that left an indelible mark on his fate.

- Author: Yuri Nagibin

- Genre: Biography, music literature

- Format: Audiobook

- Features: Deep study of life and creativity, emotional saturation

- Target audience: Lovers of musical biography, fans of the work of Imre Kalman, interested in the history of musical art
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