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Main / Digital and audiobooks

SEX in big politics

SEX in big politics SEX in Big Politics "is an analytical work that immerses the listener in a world where personal and sexual relationships become key elements of political games and strategies. Irina Khakamada explores how intimate aspects of politicians' lives can influence their careers, reputations and decisions.


Hakamada provides unique insights into how sexuality and personal relationships play a role in politics, ranging from influencing elections and political alliances to shaping public opinion. The book looks at examples and cases where personal connections and scandals have become important factors in the political arena.


- Genre: Politics, Analytics, Sociology

- Title: SEX in big politics

- Format: Audiobook

- Duration: Unknown

- Reads: Unknown

- Description:

Provocative and informative work that explores how sexuality and personal relationships influence politics and political strategies.
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