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Main / Digital and audiobooks

Widow Cooder

The audiobook Widow Cooder by Georges Simenono is a fascinating detective that takes listeners into a world of intrigue and mystery where every decision matters.


The novel revolves around a widow named Cooder, who finds herself at the center of a convoluted investigation. The death of her husband, as well as her strange behavior, begin to arouse suspicion among the local police. Detective Megrae, known for his insight and ability to solve complex cases, takes up this case in order to reveal the secrets surrounding Widow Cooder and her family.


- Genre: Detective

- Format: Audiobook

- Duration: Subject to revision

- Language: Russian

- Voice acting: Professional, with the creation of atmospheric and fascinating sound, which allows you to fully enjoy the atmosphere of the novel.

What awaits you:

- Complex detective plot: Multi-way riddles and intrigues that require careful analysis and the ability to solve hidden motives.

- Vivid characters: Deep and layered heroes, each with its own unique history and role in the investigation.

- Atmosphere and tension: Listeners will be immersed in a tense atmosphere of investigation, where each new element reveals new secrets.

This audiobook will be a great choice for lovers of classic detectives and those who appreciate the skill of Georges Simenono in creating exciting and smart investigations.
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