Children's world in choice
The book is crumb. My Toys + Toddler Stickers
The book is crumb. Lines + stickers for toddlers
Book of Stickers-Wanderings. In the world of forms 2 +
The book is crumb. Colors + stickers for toddlers
The book is crumb. My Friends + Toddler Stickers
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Main / Digital and audiobooks

Platonov Andrey - Return

Audiobook "Return" from Andrei Platonov is a work saturated with complex emotional and social topics. The novel tells about the return of the protagonist to his native land and his attempts to adapt to the changed living conditions.

Platonov masterfully portrays the characters' inner world and their interactions with the surrounding reality, reflecting the social and political changes of the time. "The Return" is a significant contribution to Russian literature and is a deep and layered work that leaves a lasting impression.

- Author: Andrey Platonov

- Genre: Novel, social prose

- Format: Audiobook

- Duration: Version dependent

- Reads: Unknown

- Features: Deep social and philosophical themes, complex psychological portrait of characters
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