Children's world in choice
The book is crumb. My Toys + Toddler Stickers
The book is crumb. My Friends + Toddler Stickers
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The book is crumb. My Adventures + Toddler Stickers
The book is crumb. Colors + stickers for toddlers
The book is crumb. The Opposite + Toddler Stickers
The book is crumb. Forms + stickers for toddlers
The book is crumb. Lines + stickers for toddlers
The book is crumb. Looking at numbers + stickers for toddlers
The book is crumb. Logic + stickers for toddlers
Smart stickers. Forms 2 +
Main / Digital and audiobooks

Ostrovsky Nikolai - How steel was tempered

How steel was tempered "is a novel by Nikolai Ostrovsky, which has become a symbol of Soviet literature and patriotic education. The book is based on the story of Pavel Korchagin, who, despite physical and moral tests, goes through the path of becoming a person, Komsomol member and fighter for a socialist future. The novel describes his difficulties and victories, desire for self-improvement and service to society. This audiobook conveys all the emotional and philosophical shades of the work, allowing listeners to come into contact with the spirit of the times and the ideals of the heroes of that time.

- Author: Nikolay Ostrovsky

- Genre: Fiction, Soviet Classics

- Format: Audiobook

- Duration: Approximately (duration, if known)

- Reads: (Announcer's name, if known)
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