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Main / Digital and audiobooks

Audiobook: Jean Genet - The Thief's Diary

The Diary of a Thief is an outstanding work by Jean Genet, in which he opens his inner experiences and philosophical reflections on life and crime to readers. The audiobook immerses listeners in the world of Genet himself, who talks about his experience of living beyond the boundaries of legality, reflecting internal conflicts and complex emotional states. The book is both an autobiographical story and a profound philosophical study. Genet masterfully conveys the atmosphere of his era and his own world, revealing the complexity of human nature and issues of moral and social justice. Voice acting adds depth and emotionality to the text, allowing listeners to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the work.

- By Jean Genet

- Genre: Autobiography, philosophical prose

- Reads: Unknown

- Duration: Unknown

- Format: Audiobook

- Language: Russian
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