Children's world in choice
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Main / Digital and audiobooks

Audiobook: Alexander Kurlyandsky - About the Keshu parrot and other stories

"About the parrot Kesha and other stories" is a collection of short stories by Alexander Kurlyandsky, which includes vivid and memorable stories about the adventures of the parrot Kesha and his friends. The book is filled with fun, kindness and unusual situations that will delight both children and adults.

Each story tells of the new and fascinating adventures of Kesha, who constantly finds himself in funny and instructive situations. Courland masterfully combines humor and moral lessons, creating fascinating and instructive content.

Voice acting adds expressiveness and character, allowing listeners to fully immerse themselves in the world of Kesha and his adventures.

- Author: Alexander Kurlyandsky

- Genre: Children's literature, short stories

- Reads: Unknown

- Duration: Unknown

- Format: Audiobook

- Language: Russian
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