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Main / Digital and audiobooks

(Not) a Lady for the Dragon - Theona Rae

(Not) a Lady for the Dragon - Theona Rae "(Not) a Lady for a Dragon" is a story about a girl who unexpectedly finds herself drawn into the world of magic and dragons. The main character, named Laura, always considered herself an ordinary woman living in the routine of everyday life. But her life changes dramatically when she unexpectedly meets a powerful dragon, who claims that she is exactly who he needs.

Laura faces many trials and difficulties, but with each step her understanding of herself and the world around her changes. She discovers incredible powers and abilities that were previously unknown to her. As the plot develops, not only a complex alliance begins between her and the dragon, but also deep feelings that call into question all her previous beliefs.

This gripping story is filled with magic, romance and intriguing twists that will leave no fantasy lover indifferent. "(Not) a Lady for a Dragon" is a path to self-discovery, overcoming your fears and finding love in the most unexpected places.

- By: Theona Rae

- Genre: Fantasy, Romance

- Format: Audiobook

- Duration: Unknown

- Key Themes: Magic, Dragons, Self-Discovery, Romantic Adventure
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