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Main / Digital and audiobooks

Zi Zhuang-Taoist Canons

Zi Zhuang-Taoist Canons The Taoist Canons from Tzu Zhuang is a key work that reveals the foundations of Taoist philosophy and teachings. The book contains ancient wisdom and principles that underlie the Taoist worldview. Tzu Zhuang explores the concepts of harmony, equilibrium, and natural order, which are important aspects of Taoist thought.

The audiobook presents basic ideas and teachings that help you understand how to live in harmony with nature and yourself. The author is deeply immersed in the issues of inner peace, spiritual growth and harmony with the world around him, offering the listener wise advice and practical recommendations.

The audiobook is voiced by a professional reader who conveys the atmosphere and essence of ancient Taoist texts, allowing a deeper understanding of philosophy and its principles to be applied in modern life.

- By Zi Zhuang

- Genre: Philosophy, Taoism

- Format: Audiobook

- Duration: Unknown

- Reader: Unknown
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