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Main / Digital and audiobooks

Vladimir Shorokhov - Failure: Audiobook

Vladimir Shorokhov - Failure: Audiobook The audiobook "Failure" from Vladimir Shorokhov is a tense thriller that explores the topic of failures and their consequences. The plot centers on the main character, who faces an unexpected and catastrophic failure that jeopardizes his career and personal life. The plot of the book develops through a series of dramatic and tense events that reveal difficult and dangerous situations in which the hero must cope with the consequences of his actions and decisions. Shorokhov masterfully creates an atmosphere of anxiety and uncertainty, providing a fascinating and dynamic narrative. This audiobook will be a great choice for fans of thrillers and dramatic stories, in which each step can be decisive.

- Author: Vladimir Shorokhov

- Title: Failure

- Genre: Thriller, Drama

- Format: Audiobook

- Duration: Unknown

- Reads: Unknown

- Description:

An intriguing thriller about a protagonist who faces a catastrophic failure that jeopardizes his career and personal life. The story is filled with dramatic twists and tense situations that require the hero to be bold and solve difficult problems.
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