Children's world in choice
The book is crumb. Colors + stickers for toddlers
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Main / Digital and audiobooks

Who is right? - Fedor Tyutchev

Who is right? - Fedor Tyutchev The audiobook "Who's Right?" Is a collection of philosophical and lyrical reflections by Fyodor Tyutchev, a Russian poet and philosopher whose works are known for their depth and emotional saturation. In this work, Tyutchev asks important questions about truth, justice and human fate, exploring the complex aspects of human life and the inner world. The author's poems and reflections reflect his unique vision of the world, a combination of philosophical thought and poetic talent. The audiobook allows a deeper understanding of Tyutchev's thoughts and experiences, immersing himself in the world of his work and philosophy.

- Author: Fedor Tyutchev

- Title: Who's right?

- Genre: Poetry, philosophy

- Format: Audiobook

- Duration: Unknown

- Language: Russian
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