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Main / Digital and audiobooks

Shukshin Vasily - I came to give you free rein

Shukshin Vasily - I came to give you free rein I came to give you free rein "is a collection of short stories by Vasily Shukshin, which presents many bright and memorable characters living in a Russian village. Each story is a separate story, reflecting the realities of life in the Soviet village and the internal experiences of people, their joy and sorrow.

Shukshin masterfully depicts the world of ordinary people, showing their life, inner peace and social problems. His works are filled with deep human understanding, irony and living language, which makes them especially touching and relevant. In the audiobook, not only the characteristic features of the characters are conveyed, but also the atmosphere of the time in which they live.

The audiobook "I Came to Give You Free Will" will be interesting for those who appreciate subtle psychological prose and a deep understanding of human nature. Shukshin, with his unique style and ability to convey the inner world of heroes, provides listeners with fascinating and insightful listening.

- Author: Vasily Shukshin

- Title: I came to give you free rein

- Genre: Classical Literature, Prose

- Format: Audiobook

- Duration: Unknown

- Publisher: Unknown

- Rating: Unknown
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