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Main / Digital and audiobooks

Lovecraft Howard - Lurking at the Doorstep

Lovecraft Howard - Lurking at the Doorstep Lurking on the Doorstep "is a short story by Howard Lovecraft, who is part of his famous corpus of work in the genre of space horror. In the work, Lovecraft creates a tense and dark atmosphere, describing events that break the boundaries of reality and cause fear of what may be beyond human understanding.

The plot tells about the events associated with dark forces that creep up on the hero and his environment, gradually increasing the tension and feeling of inevitable danger. There is an element characteristic of Lovecraft in this story: the collision of a person with unknown forces that can destroy his mental balance and the idea of ​ ​ reality.

The audiobook allows you to delve deeper into the world Lovecraft created, to feel the fear and horror that he masterfully conveys through his works. This is the perfect choice for lovers of the dark and intense atmosphere created by the master of space horror.

- By Howard Lovecraft

- Name: Lurking at the doorstep

- Genre: Cosmic Horror, Mysticism

- Format: Audiobook

- Performer: Unknown

- Duration: Unknown

- Language: Russian
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