Drama of the Absurd
Drama of absurdity is a genre of literature that reflects human existence as insane and meaningless. The works of this genre often depict situations where characters encounter absurd and inexplicable events, and their actions are devoid of logic and meaning.The main goal of the drama of absurdity is to express a sense of powerlessness and despair before the absurdity of life. Characters often feel a sense of loss and frustration in the world around them, and their communication often turns into pointless muttering or monologues.
This genre of literature, which arose in the 20th century, is often associated with philosophical ideas about the meaninglessness of existence and the crisis of human identity. It allows authors and readers to reflect on the meaning of life and the nature of reality, as well as express their dissatisfaction and disappointment in the world.
Works of drama of absurdity often elicit mixed feelings from their readers or viewers, but they remain an important and influential expression of human experience and thinking.
Books of the genre
Authors of the genre
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