Children's world in choice
The book is crumb. Colors + stickers for toddlers
The book is crumb. Lines + stickers for toddlers
The book is crumb. Forms + stickers for toddlers
The book is crumb. The Opposite + Toddler Stickers
Book Smart stickers. Digits 4 +
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Book of Stickers-Wanderings. In the world of forms 2 +
Smart stickers. Forms 2 +
Book Smart stickers. Colors 3 +
The book is crumb. Logic + stickers for toddlers
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Main / Genres / Postmodern literature

Postmodernism in poetry and drama

Postmodernism in poetry and drama opens us up to a world of literary experimentation and innovative techniques that upend traditional notions of poetry and drama. In this genre, the word becomes not only a means of self-expression, but also an object of study, where poetic and dramatic forms undergo radical transformations.

Postmodern poetry is characterized by playing with language and form, as well as the use of multi-layered meanings and allusions. Postmodernism poets often experiment with a variety of styles and techniques to convey complex and meaningful ideas. They play with genre expectations, creating out-of-the-box structures and metaphors that evoke new experiences and associations for the reader.

Postmodern drama also differs from traditional forms, preferring to experiment with plot, characters and form. Postmodernism playwrights often address contemporary themes and social issues, while using unusual structures and techniques to highlight the complexity of the modern world. They play with perspectives and perspectives, creating dramas that evoke new views of life and art in the viewer.

The poetry and drama of postmodernism thus break new ground in the art of the word, upending traditional notions of literary forms. They are a unique genre that reflects the complexity of the modern world and evokes new emotions and impressions in the reader.
Winning hearts
Price: 8.79 USD
Book The Adventures of a Genius. Part 1. Galina and Efim Shabshai (in Russian)
Book The Adventures of a Genius. Part 1. Galina and Efim Shabshai (in Russian)
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Book NUSH New Ukrainian spelling: comments, tasks and exercises. 5th-11th grade
Book NUSH New Ukrainian spelling: comments, tasks and exercises. 5th-11th grade
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Book Seduction of food with Ukrainian taste. Evgeny Klopotenko
Book Seduction of food with Ukrainian taste. Evgeny Klopotenko
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Book for children Under pressure. Stress science
Book for children Under pressure. Stress science
Price: 1.88 USD
Book for parents Big fears of young children and their parents
Book for parents Big fears of young children and their parents
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European holidays: summer notebook. I assign the studied to the 1st class
European holidays: summer notebook. I assign the studied to the 1st class
Theater and film actors
Hilary Swank
Hilary Swank
Paul Schultz
Paul Schultz
Joey Lauren Edams
Joey Lauren Edams
Robson Green
Robson Green
Harrison Gilbertson
Harrison Gilbertson
Corbin Bernsen
Corbin Bernsen