Theatrical dramedy
In the world of theatrical dramedy, every plot is a balance between laughter and tears, where life situations turn into a source of inspiration and reflection. "Life in the Balance" is a collection of stories in which each character faces funny and tragic events, but does not lose hope and optimism.Theatrical dramedy is like a mirror that reflects the diversity of human feelings and emotions. Here we see funny moments of our daily life, but also serious challenges that force us to grow and change. These performances make us laugh at ourselves, but they also give us important lessons and the understanding that life is not only joy, but also a struggle worth taking with a smile on your face.
Books of the genre
Authors of the genre
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Winning hearts
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The Power of Introverts The Quiet People in the World that Susan Kane Can't Keep Quiet
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Book Step by Step. How enthusiasm and perseverance lead to purpose. Angela Duckworth
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The Heart of Time Book. Night of Owls Book 2. Monica Petz
Theater and film actors
Justin Waddell
Richard Jenkins
Antonina Hizhnyak
Mark Boone Junior
Billy Crystal
Max Tyriot
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