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Main / BOOK STORE / Books for adults / Business literature

Book Behavioral Economics. Why people act irrationally and how to benefit from it

Book Behavioral Economics. Why people act irrationally and how to benefit from it Behavioral economics: Why people act irrationally and how to benefit from it "is a fascinating immersion in the world of decisions and choices that are made by our minds, sometimes against logic and rationality.

The authors of this book invite readers to immerse themselves in an analysis of what factors influence our behavior and lead to decisions that may seem unreasonably irrational. They look at different aspects of behavior, including emotion, bias, perceptual distortion and other psychological phenomena that can have an impact on our elections.

Through the pages of this book, you will learn about the importance of understanding behavioral aspects in economics, finance, marketing and other areas of life. The authors propose methods and strategies that allow the use of knowledge about behavioral economics to achieve better results in various fields of activity.

"Behavioral economics" will become not only a source of knowledge about our behavioral patterns, but also a guide to putting that knowledge into practice. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of our mind and behavior with this book and take on a new perspective on how we make decisions and how this process can be used to our advantage.

Product characteristics

ISBN - 9786177973934
Binding Type - Hard
Year of publication - 2021
Number of pages - 464
Status - New
Language of publication - Ukrainian
Publishing House - Our Format
Paper surface type - offset
Type of printing paper - offset

Price for 1 piece 10.05 USD


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