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Main / BOOK STORE / Books for adults / Business literature

Book of Plutocrat. The era of the new rich and the decline of the old system of Christ Freeland

Book of Plutocrat. The era of the new rich and the decline of the old system of Christ Freeland In "Plutocrats: The Age of the New Rich and the Decline of the Old System," Christ Freeland has guided the reader through the pitch of financial manipulation and geopolitical intrigue since the early 21st century. This book will be a deep dive into the world of modern economic and political reality, revealing the intricacies of power and the influence of new elites.

Through the pages of "Plutocrats," you will learn about how new technologies, financial instruments and global trends are changing the structure of the economy and society. The author explores the role of the new rich in shaping world politics and offers his thoughts on the future of the world order.

Plutocrats is not just a book about the rich and the powerful, it is an in-depth analysis of the processes that define the modern geopolitical picture of the world. This book will be interesting to everyone who is interested in financial and political processes, as well as those who seek to understand the mechanisms of power and influence in the modern world.

Immerse yourself in the world of "Plutocrats" and discover a fascinating account of the struggle for power and wealth in an age of globalization and technological progress. This book will be your guide in the world of modern politics and economics, helping you better understand the complex processes that determine the fate of the world.

Product characteristics

ISBN - 9786177513154
Binding Type - Hard
Year of publication - 2017
Number of pages - 328
Status - New
Language of publication - Ukrainian
Weight - 520
Paper surface type - offset
Genre - Business, money, economics
Type of printing paper - offset

Price for 1 piece 4.65 USD


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