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The Book of Squares and Towers Social Connections from Freemasons to Facebook Neil Ferguson

The Book of Squares and Towers Social Connections from Freemasons to Facebook Neil Ferguson In "Squares and Towers: Social Connections from Freemasons to Facebook," Neil Ferguson offers readers a fascinating journey through the history of human societies and their communication structures. He analyzes various periods and cultures, from ancient civilizations to modernity, to understand how social connections were formed and transformed under the influence of new technologies and ideologies.

Neil Ferguson explores the role of various organizations and groupings, such as Freemasons, religious communities and political movements, in shaping social structures and influencing social processes. He sees how the shift in communication technology, from writing and printing to the internet and social media, has changed the ways our society interacts and influences.

This book raises questions about the ways in which the digital era and modern technology influence our social connections and communication, and offers a unique perspective on the future of our civilization. "Squares and Towers" isn't just a study of history, it's also a provocative reflection on how social connections shape our lives and futures.

Product characteristics

ISBN - 978-617-7552-77-1
Weight - 700g
Binding Type - Hard
Year of publication - 2018
Number of pages - 568
Status - New
Language of publication - Ukrainian
The genre is the Novel
Subject Matter - pіznavalno
Paper surface type - offset
Type of printing paper - offset

Price for 1 piece 8.29 USD


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