Book Demented on wine Journey to the exquisite world of sommelier Bianca Bosker (in Ukrainian)
At tsіy knizі B'yanka Bosker, yaka herself became a somelє, vіdkrivaє before the reader there are svіt wines of that їkh virobnitztva. The won of a rozpov_d є about v_dom_ that nev_dom_ aspect wine to a sv_t to d_litsya by the ts_kavy facts that _stor_yam, shcho roblyat tsyu the book zakhoplyuyuchy l_teraturny v_dkrittyam for vs_kh, hto to ts_kavitsya by wine.
Podorozhyuchi storіnkami "Mince on Wine," vi dіznaєtesya about the tekhnіku of degustatsії wine, the rules for the vibration podachі that wine, as well as about the rіznomanіtnі of weft їkh characteristics. Avtorka vdat a po¾dna є naukoviya p_dh_d to vivchennya wine z_ svo§m a vlasny dosv_d that vrazhennyam, shcho to quail tsyu a korisna that I ts_kavoit the book a yak for profes_onal_v, so і for amator_v.
"Freaking out for wine" is a book, the yak is not too much to beg you bіlshe about the svіt of wine, ale to blow up your plantain in a hot-eared svіtі bіlsh stuffed і choking.
Podorozhyuchi storіnkami "Mince on Wine," vi dіznaєtesya about the tekhnіku of degustatsії wine, the rules for the vibration podachі that wine, as well as about the rіznomanіtnі of weft їkh characteristics. Avtorka vdat a po¾dna є naukoviya p_dh_d to vivchennya wine z_ svo§m a vlasny dosv_d that vrazhennyam, shcho to quail tsyu a korisna that I ts_kavoit the book a yak for profes_onal_v, so і for amator_v.
"Freaking out for wine" is a book, the yak is not too much to beg you bіlshe about the svіt of wine, ale to blow up your plantain in a hot-eared svіtі bіlsh stuffed і choking.
Product characteristics
ISBN - 9786178023256Type of binding - Soft
Year of publication - 2023
Number of pages - 240
Status - New
Language of publication - Ukrainian
Subject Matter - Others
Paper surface type - offset
Type of printing paper - offset
Price for 1 piece 23.86 USD
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