Book Principle mosaics Six skills of amazing life and career couriers Nick Lavgrov

The author explains that the key point is not the pursuit of one big goal, but the ability to find and combine together various aspects of life and work, creating a harmonious and balanced picture. Lavgrov argues that it is this approach that allows you to achieve the highest results and experience satisfaction from each step on the path to success.
Through practical advice, examples from the author's life and career, as well as exercises for developing mosaic thinking skills, the book "The Principle of Mosaic" becomes not just a guide, but a real source of inspiration and motivation. It helps readers to take a fresh look at their goals and objectives, learn how to see opportunities in a variety of life situations and use them to their advantage.
The Principle of Mosaic is a book for those who seek a unique and harmonious approach to life and career, who are willing to seek beauty and success in minute detail and create their own mosaic picture of life.
Product characteristics
ISBN - 978-617-7682-18-8Year of publication - 2019
Number of pages - 344
Status - New
Language of publication - Ukrainian
Binding type - solid
Topics - Educational Books/ rozvivayuchі Books
Paper surface type - offset
Type of printing paper - offset
Price for 1 piece 4.90 USD
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