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Main / BOOK STORE / Books for adults / Non-fiction

Ask a Manager book Ask the executive: how to work with incomprehensible colleagues and bosses who steal your worker

Ask a Manager book Ask the executive: how to work with incomprehensible colleagues and bosses who steal your worker How to cope with difficult situations at work? How to effectively interact with incomprehensible colleagues and bosses? How to protect your interests and achieve success in the work environment? You will find all the answers to these questions in the book Ask a Manager: Ask Your Manager.

The author of the book, a management and career development expert, offers practical advice and strategies based on personal experience and research in business and human resources management. It gives clear and simple instructions on how to effectively respond to difficult situations at work and achieve your goals.

Ask a Manager is not just a book with tips, it is a real guide to managing professional activities. It will help you understand difficult situations at work, learn how to effectively interact with colleagues and bosses, and achieve success in your career.

If you want to improve your management skills and achieve professional success, then the book Ask a Manager: Ask Your Manager will become your indispensable assistant. Immerse yourself in the world of practical advice and strategies and become the best leader for yourself and your career!

Product characteristics

ISBN - 978-966-942-947-6
Weight - 340g
Binding Type - Hard
Year of publication - 2019
Number of pages - 288
Status - New
Type of printing paper - Offset

Price for 1 piece 3.74 USD



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