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Main / BOOK STORE / Books for adults / Self-development, motivational literature, hobbies

The Myth of Motivation

In The Myth of Motivation, author and psychologist John Smith questions widespread notions of what motivates us to succeed. He argues that many of the traditional approaches to motivation, such as the promise of reward or fear of punishment, can be ineffective or even harmful.

Smith offers an alternative view of motivation based on an understanding of the internal mechanisms of human psychology. It looks at the concept of the inner motive - the desire for self-realization, satisfaction from the process of work and the meaning of life - and shows how it can be a more powerful and lasting source of motivation than external stimuli.

The book looks at various aspects of motivation, such as self-discipline, single-mindedness, focusing on the process rather than the outcome, and a temporal perspective - the ability to see the long-term effects of one's actions. The author offers practical advice and strategies to develop internal motivation and increase their productivity and satisfaction from life.

The Myth of Motivation is not only a book for those interested in psychology and self-development, but also for anyone who wants to understand what actually motivates us to act and how to use that knowledge in everyday life and work. It will help you revise your ideas about motivation and find new sources of inspiration and strength to achieve your goals.

Product characteristics

Number of pages - 192
Language of publication - Ukrainian
Age group - Adult.
Cover - Hardcover
Paper surface type - offset

Price for 1 piece 6.53 USD


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