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Main / BOOK STORE / Books for adults / Self-development, motivational literature, hobbies

The book Why Do Conflicts Arise? Reasons. Stages. Solution. Consequences (in Russian)

The book Why Do Conflicts Arise? Reasons. Stages. Solution. Consequences (in Russian) Conflicts are an inevitable part of human life, and understanding their nature is key to their effective management and resolution. In this book, we reveal the mysteries of why conflicts arise, how they develop at various stages and what consequences they can have for people and society as a whole.

We examine the various causes of conflict, ranging from individual differences to international controversies, and look at their impact on people's psychological state, family relationships, work and political settings. The authors offer an analysis of a variety of conflict resolution methods, including negotiation, mediation, and alternative ways to resolve disputes.

This book is not just a theoretical consideration of conflicts, but also a practical guide to managing them. It helps readers develop skills in constructive communication, managing emotions and finding compromises in difficult situations. By understanding the nature of conflicts and their consequences, readers will be able to make more informed decisions and build harmonious relationships with others.

Product characteristics

ISBN - 9789669425928
Binding Type - Hard
Year of publication - 2018
Length - 21.5
Number of pages - 80
Status - New
Width - 14.5
Language of publication - Russian
By Stanіslas Deane
Theme - Healthy'ya Naukpop Psikhologіya

Price for 1 piece 3.49 USD


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