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The book What is your problem? The Art of Non-Pattern Thinking by Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg

The book What is your problem? The Art of Non-Pattern Thinking by Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg The book "What is your problem? The Art of Non-Model Thinking "by Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg is a deep dive into the world of creative thinking and problem-solving. The author offers readers a new perspective on the process of thinking and shows how you can develop your creative abilities and find non-standard solutions for any situation.

Through the pages of this book, you will become familiar with the basic principles of non-model thinking and learn how to put them into practice. The author offers a number of practical exercises and strategies that will help you develop your creative potential and find innovative solutions for any task.

This book will be an indispensable resource for everyone who wants to develop their creative abilities and learn to think outside the box. It will help you reconsider your approaches to solving problems and become more effective and successful in your activities.

"What's your problem? The Art of Non-Model Thinking "is a book that will help you discover new opportunities and perspectives. It is filled with inspiration and wisdom to help you become the best version of yourself and reach new heights in your life and career.

Product characteristics

ISBN - 9789669829528
Binding Type - Hard
Year of publication - 2023
Number of pages - 304
Status - New
Type of printing paper - Offset
Language of publication - Ukrainian
Theme - non-fiction
Paper surface type - offset

Price for 1 piece 8.79 USD


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