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Main / BOOK STORE / Books for children / Books for children 3-6 years old

Book Don't Be Afraid of Monsters

Don't be afraid of monsters "is an incredibly fascinating story that will help kids overcome fears and learn to boldly look at the world around them. This book tells how the main characters embark on an exciting adventure, where they meet various monsters and monsters.

With each page, children learn that monsters are not at all as scary as they say about them. They can be funny, friendly and even fun! The book will teach children to look at the world from the other side and understand that behind each terrible appearance lies their own story and their feelings.

The book "Don't Be Afraid of Monsters" is a great way to discuss their fears and anxieties with children, as well as teach them emotional competence and the ability to cope with complex feelings. It will help kids develop empathy and understanding, as well as learn to build friendships with those who are different from them.

This book is suitable for reading as a family and can be a wonderful way to spend time together. She will make children smile, laugh and reflect on how important it is to accept and love others for who they are.

"Don't be afraid of monsters" is not just a book, it is a tool for raising and developing children, which will help them become more open, confident and happy. If you want your children to learn to cope with fears and overcome obstacles with a smile on your face, this book is the perfect choice!

Product characteristics

ISBN - 978-617-679-405-9
Number of pages - 32
Cover - Hardcover
Language of publication - Ukrainian
Age group - From 3 years

Price for 1 piece 5.53 USD


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