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Main / BOOK STORE / Books for children / Books for children 6-9 years old

Book Nedomalovanі vіrshі Grigorіy Falkovich

Book Nedomalovanі vіrshі Grigorіy Falkovich Nedomalovan_ v_rsh і" - tse a zb_rka poyez_y v_d the v_domy ukra§nsky poet Grigor_ya Falkovich. In ts_y kniz_ vi you znaydt v_rsh і, yak_ p_dn_mayut a wide range of subjects - v_d kokhannya to a v_yna, v_d to the nature to f_losof і ї zhittya. Kozhen v_rsh - tse v_dobrazhennya it is poetical ї a shower і, a yak a pike є v_dpov_d_ on pitannya about zhittya, death, kokhannya і _nsh_ velik_ those.

Grigor_y Falkovich vm_lo to a vikoristov є mova for this purpose, shchob peredat pochuttya that emots і ї, zmusit zadumatisya over gliboky pitannyam і zalishit sl_d at sertsyakh svo§kh chitach_v. Vіn miraculously rozmalovuє the pictures svoїkh vіrshіv, say in words those who will not mistakenly lie іnakshe.

Tsya book will become a monster gift for vsіkh, hto tsіnuє a temple poyezіyu she wants to disdain at the svіt of the word that vіdchuttіv. To "Nedomalovany v_rsha" vi you zmozht Zavdyaki zanuritisya at sv_t poyez і ї і nasoloditisya beauty to mova that mudr_styu poyetichny ryadk_v.

Product characteristics

ISBN - 978-966-915-235-0
Number of pages - 36
Cover - Paperback
Status - New
Paper Type - Offset
Language of publication - Ukrainian
Publishing House - Chas Maystrіv
Age group - From 6 years
Genre - poems/ vіrshі

Price for 1 piece 1.76 USD


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