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Book The Younger Schoolboy's Handbook. Ukrainian language. Grade 1-4

Book The Younger Schoolboy's Handbook. Ukrainian language. Grade 1-4 The Younger Schoolboy's Handbook: Ukraїnska Mova. 1-4 klas" - tse a _dealny pom_chnik for uchn_v pochatkovy klas_v, yakiya are necessary є all neobkh_dna _nformats_yu z to a subject of an ukra§nsk mova. Tsey the reference book about' to a ¾dn є in sob_ zabezpechuyuch mater_at for uchn_v v_d pershy to the fourth to a class, zruchny access to _nformats і ї at r_zny stages navchannya.

The book in a key є in a wide range mater_al_v, pochinayuch v_d the basic rules to mova that zak_nchuyuch skladn_shy l_ngv_stichny kontsepts_yam. In n_y m_styatsya poyasnennya governed, a butt rozvyazannya zavdan, tables і, the scheme that graf_k, yak_ to dopomonut uchnyam zrozum_t that mater_at osvo§t.

The directory of structuring with such a rank uchnі could easily know potrіbnu іnformatsіyu. Usі rozdіli those predstavlenі in a vicious formatі with chіtkimi headers and detailed descriptions. To beat the book to downtime at vikoristannі Yak for samostіynogo Vivchennya, so і for pіdgotovki to urokіv.

Krіm addition, the directory mіstit the head of that really rіznoї skladnostі, yakі to help the scientists zakrіpiti otrimanі the knowledge of that knowledge. Tse allow їm not to be deprived of zrozumіti materіal, ale and stall yogo on the praktitsі.

"The Younger Schoolboy's Handbook: Ukraїnska Mova. 1-4 klasi "- tse is not just a book with the rules of that formula, tse jerelo іnformatsії that іnstrument for uspіshnogo vivchennya ukraїnskoї movi on the kidney etapі. osvіti Please allow your ditinі to know vpevnenіst in svoїkh knowledge and a root reference book!

Product characteristics

ISBN - 9786177312283
Number of pages - 112
Cover - Paperback
Status - New
Subject - Writing Training
Language of publication - Ukrainian

Price for 1 piece 1.38 USD


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