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Book of Physics. 100 topics

Book of Physics. 100 topics Qia the book of a rozkriv є a wide range of subjects in oblast_ f_zik, pochinayuch v_d klasichny zakon_v Newton і zak_nchuyuch suchasny teor_yam kvantovo ї mekhan_k that a teor і є yu v_dnosnost_. The skin theme is presented in a zrozumіlim way і vklyuchaє explaining the keys to understand, apply that stagnation in the rіznikh galleries of science that tekhnologіy.

Chitach_ otrimayut mozhliv_st zanuritisya in the uzagalnena vivchennya r_zny aspekt_v f_zik, v_d mekhan_k that termodinam_k to electromagnetism that optics. Vaughnie d_znayutsya about osnovn_ the law of a f_zika, yak_ to lie in osnov_ everything, shcho us I will perfect є, v_d to Rukh t_l to structure atom_v that galaxies.

Qia the book a camp a korisny dzherel znan for uchn_v, student_v, vchitel_v і vs_kh, hto to ts_kavitsya by a f_zika. There to a rozshirita dopomozha rozum_nnya about prirodn_ a yavishcha that the law, shcho §kh opisuyut, і v_dkr є before chitacha of zakhopliviya sv_t f_zichny znan і dosl_dzhen.

Product characteristics

ISBN - 9786177660445
Number of pages - 160
Cover - Paperback
The subject is Physics
Paper Type - Offset
Language of publication - Ukrainian
Paper surface type - offset

Price for 1 piece 2.01 USD



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