Main / BOOK STORE / Books for children / Educational and educational children's literature, books - notebooks for classes with children - page №: 11
Educational and educational children's literature, books - notebooks for classes with children - page №: 11
Price for 1 piece: 2.01 USD
We are preparing for the NUSH. Maths. Workbook. 5-6 years
'Workbook 'Preparing for NUS. Mathematics' for children 5-6 years old is a practical manual with tasks that contribute to the development of mathematical skills. "
We are preparing for the NUSH. Maths. Workbook. 5-6 years
'Workbook 'Preparing for NUS. Mathematics' for children 5-6 years old is a practical manual with tasks that contribute to the development of mathematical skills. "
Price for 1 piece: 2.01 USD
We are preparing for the NUSH. Fundamentals of literacy. Workbook. 5-6 years
'Workbook 'Preparing for NUS. Fundamentals of literacy 'for children 5-6 years old is an effective tool for learning basic literacy skills before school. "
We are preparing for the NUSH. Fundamentals of literacy. Workbook. 5-6 years
'Workbook 'Preparing for NUS. Fundamentals of literacy 'for children 5-6 years old is an effective tool for learning basic literacy skills before school. "
Price for 1 piece: 6.28 USD
Visualized reference book. Miskarium. My Ukrainian is correct and refined
"Erroneous. My Ukrainian woman is correct і vishukan "- іlyustrovany dovіdnik z ukraїnskoї movi, who is additionally unique in expanding the pardons of that voskonality svoє movlennya.
Visualized reference book. Miskarium. My Ukrainian is correct and refined
"Erroneous. My Ukrainian woman is correct і vishukan "- іlyustrovany dovіdnik z ukraїnskoї movi, who is additionally unique in expanding the pardons of that voskonality svoє movlennya.
Price for 1 piece: 2.14 USD
We study and write letters. Complex simulator (L.M. Shevchuk)
"Complex simulator 'Vivchaєmo і written lіteri' vіd L.M. Shevchuk - іnteraktivny posіbnik for dіtey, spying on the side alfavіtu that letter."
We study and write letters. Complex simulator (L.M. Shevchuk)
"Complex simulator 'Vivchaєmo і written lіteri' vіd L.M. Shevchuk - іnteraktivny posіbnik for dіtey, spying on the side alfavіtu that letter."
Price for 1 piece: 3.49 USD
Step by step: corrective work program for older preschool children
"The 'Korektsіyno' programm is a robot for dіtey older doshkіlnogo vіku 'krok after crok - tsіlove an unlikely middle ground for the development of important overhangs at dіtey."
Step by step: corrective work program for older preschool children
"The 'Korektsіyno' programm is a robot for dіtey older doshkіlnogo vіku 'krok after crok - tsіlove an unlikely middle ground for the development of important overhangs at dіtey."
Price for 1 piece: 1.88 USD
Simulator for preschoolers. Letters
"The" Bukvi "simulator for doshkіlnikіv is a rustic zasіb for vivchennya alfavіtu that rosvitka of reading і writing in malyukіv."
Simulator for preschoolers. Letters
"The" Bukvi "simulator for doshkіlnikіv is a rustic zasіb for vivchennya alfavіtu that rosvitka of reading і writing in malyukіv."
Price for 1 piece: 1.88 USD
Simulator for preschoolers. Lichba
"The L_chba exercise machine for doshk_lnit - a prosty _grovy _nstrument, shcho a spriya є a rozvitka matematichny the beginner that l_chb at d_ty."
Simulator for preschoolers. Lichba
"The L_chba exercise machine for doshk_lnit - a prosty _grovy _nstrument, shcho a spriya є a rozvitka matematichny the beginner that l_chb at d_ty."
Price for 1 piece: 1.88 USD
Simulator for preschoolers. Logic
"The 'Logіka' simulator for doshkіlnyat is іnnovatsіyny zasіb, shcho rozvivaє logіchne a little bit of space I'll see dіtey through the tsіkavі of that puzzle."
Simulator for preschoolers. Logic
"The 'Logіka' simulator for doshkіlnyat is іnnovatsіyny zasіb, shcho rozvivaє logіchne a little bit of space I'll see dіtey through the tsіkavі of that puzzle."
Price for 1 piece: 1.88 USD
Simulator for preschoolers. Letter
"The simulator" Letter "for doshkіlnyat - dopomagaє to evoke the motility of that knowledge of the letter through tsіkavі really that head."
Simulator for preschoolers. Letter
"The simulator" Letter "for doshkіlnyat - dopomagaє to evoke the motility of that knowledge of the letter through tsіkavі really that head."
Price for 1 piece: 2.39 USD
NUSH 6th grade History and civic education. Notebook.
"A notebook for 6 classes z іstorії that gromadyanskoї osvіti for the NUSH is a practical zasіb for zakrіplennya the knowledge of that Viscount is headed by scientists."
NUSH 6th grade History and civic education. Notebook.
"A notebook for 6 classes z іstorії that gromadyanskoї osvіti for the NUSH is a practical zasіb for zakrіplennya the knowledge of that Viscount is headed by scientists."
Price for 1 piece: 2.01 USD
Dobrik Rabbit School We study letters. 4+
"The book 'Dobrik Rabbit School: Іzuchaєmo bukvi' is a chokehold that іnteraktivny sposіb navchanya dіtey letters, spriyayuchi їkh rosvitka that pіdgotovtsі to navchanya."
Dobrik Rabbit School We study letters. 4+
"The book 'Dobrik Rabbit School: Іzuchaєmo bukvi' is a chokehold that іnteraktivny sposіb navchanya dіtey letters, spriyayuchi їkh rosvitka that pіdgotovtsі to navchanya."
Price for 1 piece: 2.01 USD
Dobrik Rabbit School We study numbers. 4+
"The book 'Dobrik Rabbit School: Іzuchaєmo digital' is a cool-fisted method of vivchenny of numbers for dіtey vіkom 4 +, spriyaє the development of mathematical loaves of the logіchnogo myslennya."
Dobrik Rabbit School We study numbers. 4+
"The book 'Dobrik Rabbit School: Іzuchaєmo digital' is a cool-fisted method of vivchenny of numbers for dіtey vіkom 4 +, spriyaє the development of mathematical loaves of the logіchnogo myslennya."
Price for 1 piece: 2.01 USD
Dobrik Rabbit School Learning to count to 10. 4+
"Book 'School of the Rabbit of Dobrik: Vivcha¾mo a l_chilka to 10' - a ts_kavy method for d_ty 4+, yakiya of a dopomag є zasvo§t to a l_chba basis that rozviva є matematichn_ beginners."
Dobrik Rabbit School Learning to count to 10. 4+
"Book 'School of the Rabbit of Dobrik: Vivcha¾mo a l_chilka to 10' - a ts_kavy method for d_ty 4+, yakiya of a dopomag є zasvo§t to a l_chba basis that rozviva є matematichn_ beginners."
Price for 1 piece: 5.53 USD
Visualized reference book. 33 amazing math stories with Max-Murkothick. For grades 5-6.
"Vіzualіzovany directory '33 udivitelnі іstorії about mathematics with Max-Murkotik' is a chokehold that osvіtnіy materіal for uchnіv 5-6 klasіv."
Visualized reference book. 33 amazing math stories with Max-Murkothick. For grades 5-6.
"Vіzualіzovany directory '33 udivitelnі іstorії about mathematics with Max-Murkotik' is a chokehold that osvіtnіy materіal for uchnіv 5-6 klasіv."
Price for 1 piece: 4.27 USD
Visual English-Ukrainian Idioms Handbook. Visualized English-Ukrainian phraseology guide
"V_zualny Anglo-ukra§nsky the dov_dnik frazeolog_zm_v 'Visual English-Ukrainian Idioms Handbook' is a zruchny _nstrument for vivchennya that rozum_nnya _d_y an ukra§nska that I angl_yskoit movam."
Visual English-Ukrainian Idioms Handbook. Visualized English-Ukrainian phraseology guide
"V_zualny Anglo-ukra§nsky the dov_dnik frazeolog_zm_v 'Visual English-Ukrainian Idioms Handbook' is a zruchny _nstrument for vivchennya that rozum_nnya _d_y an ukra§nska that I angl_yskoit movam."
Price for 1 piece: 6.28 USD
New Ukrainian spelling in illustrations. Rules - Easy and Fast
"The book'Nova ukraїnske spelling in іlyustratsіyakh '- dostupnі the shvidkі spelling rules, yakі the heads of the zrozumіti are easy to іlyustratsіyam."
New Ukrainian spelling in illustrations. Rules - Easy and Fast
"The book'Nova ukraїnske spelling in іlyustratsіyakh '- dostupnі the shvidkі spelling rules, yakі the heads of the zrozumіti are easy to іlyustratsіyam."
Price for 1 piece: 4.27 USD
Visualized reference book. Get along exactly, or How to avoid the most common mistakes.
"Vіzualіzovany the reference book" Get even exactly, abo Yak is unique nayposhirenіshikh pardons "- a malicious іnstrument for vivchenny spelling that is unique naybіlsh increased pardons."
Visualized reference book. Get along exactly, or How to avoid the most common mistakes.
"Vіzualіzovany the reference book" Get even exactly, abo Yak is unique nayposhirenіshikh pardons "- a malicious іnstrument for vivchenny spelling that is unique naybіlsh increased pardons."
Price for 1 piece: 2.01 USD
A confident start. We prepare our hand for writing. Workbook 5-6 years.
'Timouche notebook'Confident start. Gotuєmo your hand to the letter 'for dіtey 5-6 rokіv - іdealny cob of navchannі letter, rozvivaє motor skills of that letter. "
A confident start. We prepare our hand for writing. Workbook 5-6 years.
'Timouche notebook'Confident start. Gotuєmo your hand to the letter 'for dіtey 5-6 rokіv - іdealny cob of navchannі letter, rozvivaє motor skills of that letter. "
Price for 1 piece: 2.01 USD
A confident start. We will find out the world of literacy. Workbook 5-6 years
'Timouche notebook'Confident start. Vіdkrivaєmo svіt gramotnostі 'for dіtey 5-6 rokіv - the іdealny ear of navchannі gramotnostі, even after rozvivaє hours of reading of that letter. "
A confident start. We will find out the world of literacy. Workbook 5-6 years
'Timouche notebook'Confident start. Vіdkrivaєmo svіt gramotnostі 'for dіtey 5-6 rokіv - the іdealny ear of navchannі gramotnostі, even after rozvivaє hours of reading of that letter. "
Price for 1 piece: 2.01 USD
A confident start. Let's learn the natural world Workbook. 5-6 years
'Timouche notebook'Confident start. Dosl_dzhu¾mo sv_t to the nature' for d_ty 5-6 rok_v - the wonderful Viy an ear at vivchenn_ to the nature, shcho a spriya є a rozvitka dopitlivost_ that dosl_dnitsky to a p_dhod."
A confident start. Let's learn the natural world Workbook. 5-6 years
'Timouche notebook'Confident start. Dosl_dzhu¾mo sv_t to the nature' for d_ty 5-6 rok_v - the wonderful Viy an ear at vivchenn_ to the nature, shcho a spriya є a rozvitka dopitlivost_ that dosl_dnitsky to a p_dhod."
Winning hearts
Price: 8.29 USD
Book of Essentialism. The art of prioritizing
Price: 4.52 USD
Book Sweet Life in Paris. David Lebowitz
Price: 12.43 USD
Book Whirlwind. The day the world broke. Book 1 Anna Bennig
Price: 8.77 USD
My successful year. Happy Woman's Motivational Diary
Price: 8.04 USD
The Power of Introverts The Quiet People in the World that Susan Kane Can't Keep Quiet
Price: 6.53 USD
The book Lost in Paris. Jane Smiley
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