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Main / BOOK STORE / Books for parents

The Book How Not to Go Crazy About Parenthood

The Book How Not to Go Crazy About Parenthood How Not to Go Crazy About Parenthood "is a sincere and genuine book written for all men who first encounter the role of father or are already on this difficult journey. The author provides honest advice and guidance based on personal experience and research to help new fathers overcome challenges and enjoy great moments of parenthood.

In this book, you'll find answers to the many questions young fathers face: from how to support your partner during pregnancy and childbirth, to how to build strong relationships with your baby and find a balance between work and family. The author also discusses the importance of self-understanding and self-acceptance, helping men understand their feelings and emotions related to parenthood.

How Not to Go Crazy About Parenthood isn't just a book of advice, it's an inspiration and support for all fathers who want to be the best parents for their children. If you want to learn to enjoy every moment of parenthood and build strong and trusting relationships with your child, this book is for you.

Product characteristics

ISBN - 9789669823786
Binding Type - Hard
Year of publication - 2021
Number of pages - 368
Status - New
Topics - Education and Pedagogy
Language of publication - Ukrainian

Price for 1 piece 7.28 USD


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