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Manual Ukrainian language Spelling in tables test tasks Alexander Avramenko Oksana Tishchenko

Manual Ukrainian language Spelling in tables test tasks Alexander Avramenko Oksana Tishchenko Ukrainian language. Write down in tables. Test tasks "is a practical manual that will help you systematize knowledge of the spelling of the Ukrainian language and prepare for various tests and exams.

In this book, you'll find handy tables with spelling rules to help you navigate complex cases quickly, such as writing complex words, using punctuation marks, getting your accent right, and more. Each rule is accompanied by examples and explanations, which simplifies the assimilation of the material.

In addition to the theoretical part, the book also contains a large number of test tasks that will help you practice spelling and test your knowledge. The tests cover various aspects of spelling, from basic to more complex, and will allow you to prepare for any tests.

This book will be useful both for students of schools and students of higher educational institutions, and for everyone who is interested in learning the Ukrainian language and wants to improve their spelling skills. With a convenient format and an accessible presentation of the material, you can effectively prepare for any challenges associated with learning the language.

Product characteristics

ISBN - 978-617-7563-04-3
Weight - 340g
Type of binding - Soft
Year of publication - 2018
Number of pages - 192
Status - New
Subjects - Schoolchildren, applicants
Type of printing paper - Offset
Academic period - Senior school (10th-12th grade)
Language of publication - Ukrainian
The genre is the Novel
Paper surface type - offset

Price for 1 piece 2.39 USD


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