Main / Books of the genre

Books of the genre

Genre books are key to understanding the wealth and diversity of literature. Our cloud tag "books of genre" contains works that span a wide range of literary directions: from fantasy and science fiction to thrillers, romance and historical novels. Each direction offers unique plots, style and atmosphere, allowing readers to immerse themselves in a variety of worlds and emotions. Whether you prefer immersive adventures, deep dramas or engaging comedies, you'll find books in this section that suit your interests. Discover new genres, explore unfamiliar territories and find your next favorite book among a variety of works!


Winning hearts
Price: 6.53 USD
The book Lost in Paris. Jane Smiley
The book Lost in Paris. Jane Smiley
Price: 10.05 USD
Book of Chasody. Book 6 The Hour Battle. Natalia Shcherba
Book of Chasody. Book 6 The Hour Battle. Natalia Shcherba
Price: 11.05 USD
Book Coming Soon to School. Vasily Fedienko
Book Coming Soon to School. Vasily Fedienko
Price: 9.04 USD
Book Oh, how hot!
Book Oh, how hot!
Price: 2.99 USD
European holidays: summer notebook. I assign the studied for the 2nd class
European holidays: summer notebook. I assign the studied for the 2nd class
Price: 13.82 USD
The book is Crazy, deep. Alan Rickman Diaries. Alan Rickman
The book is Crazy, deep. Alan Rickman Diaries. Alan Rickman