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Books With Choice

Books with choice are a unique genre of literature that allows readers to influence the course of events and develop the plot in various directions. This cloud tag contains works where each of your decisions opens up new opportunities and consequences. These interactive stories offer readers the opportunity to explore different scenarios while developing critical thinking and imagination skills. You'll find both immersive adventures and engaging novels that offer you a unique reading experience. Immerse yourself in the world of books with choice and discover a new dimension of literature, where you are the protagonist of your story!


Winning hearts
Price: 5.90 USD
The Art of Going Unnoticed. Who else reads your emails? Kevin Mytnik
The Art of Going Unnoticed. Who else reads your emails? Kevin Mytnik
Price: 12.43 USD
Book Whirlwind. The day the world broke. Book 1 Anna Bennig
Book Whirlwind. The day the world broke. Book 1 Anna Bennig
Price: 3.77 USD
Book of the Pack from the Roof
Book of the Pack from the Roof
Price: 10.93 USD
The guy at all 100% Alexander Zotov series Top Secret
The guy at all 100% Alexander Zotov series Top Secret
Price: 6.28 USD
The book Joy. The Magic of Simple Things
The book Joy. The Magic of Simple Things
Price: 6.28 USD
Book of Shevchenko. Kobzar. Full collection
Book of Shevchenko. Kobzar. Full collection