Literature on music
Music Literature "is a fascinating selection of works that explore diverse aspects of musical art. In this collection you will find both historical studies and biographies of famous composers, performers and musical groups, as well as theoretical works explaining the structure and elements of music. These books allow a deeper understanding of the influence of music on culture and society, and also reveal the mysteries of the creation and perception of musical works. Reading literature about music not only enriches knowledge, but also inspires new musical discoveries. Immerse yourself in the world of "Literature about Music" and discover the beauty and depth of sound art!Winning hearts
Price: 7.54 USD

Book For Caring Parents. How to tame a tiger. How to teach a child to lead emotions
Price: 9.80 USD

Book Academy of Researchers. Creche feather Book 2
Price: 4.40 USD

Book Step by Step. How enthusiasm and perseverance lead to purpose. Angela Duckworth
Price: 10.05 USD

Book of Chasody. Book 6 The Hour Battle. Natalia Shcherba
Price: 6.76 USD

Book Seven Redhead Stories
Price: 7.03 USD

Book Snow Heat