New books for children
New books for children are an exciting way to introduce toddlers to the latest literary innovations. Our "new books for kids" cloud tag brings together the latest pieces that have just hit the book market. These books offer fascinating subjects, vivid illustrations, and contemporary themes that promote imagination and curiosity. Reading new books helps children keep abreast of modern trends, develops their speech skills and emotional intelligence. Let your children immerse themselves in a world of fresh stories and new ideas, opening up reading and inspiration horizons for them!Winning hearts
Price: 4.02 USD
The book Look Ahead. A reliable path to a desirable life. Michael Gayat, Daniel Garkavy
Price: 7.54 USD
Lockwood & Co. Empty grave. Book 5. Jonathan Stroud
Price: 3.77 USD
Book of the Pack from the Roof
Price: 10.78 USD
The Book About Bedtime Sleep
Price: 6.28 USD
Confessions of the Bookkeeper Sean Byzell
Price: 8.54 USD
Book Leader of the Future. 9 skills and ideas that will make you successful in the next 10 years (in Russian)