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New e-books

New e-books are your chance to keep abreast of the latest and most relevant works of literature. This cloud tag brings together the latest novelties that cover a variety of genres and themes, from fiction to non-fiction. These books offer easy-to-read experiences across devices, allowing you to enjoy new stories anywhere, anytime. You'll find both anticipated bestsellers and interesting debuts that could be your new favourite books. Immerse yourself in the world of new e-books and discover unique stories and fresh ideas that will enrich your library and make reading even more exciting!


Winning hearts
Price: 4.40 USD
Book Save Capitalism. How to make the free market work for people Robert Reich
Book Save Capitalism. How to make the free market work for people Robert Reich
Price: 15.07 USD
The Book of Greatness and Lowness. The story of Churchill, his family and resistance during the London Blitz
The Book of Greatness and Lowness. The story of Churchill, his family and resistance during the London Blitz
Price: 8.77 USD
My successful year. Happy Woman's Motivational Diary
My successful year. Happy Woman's Motivational Diary
Price: 7.54 USD
The Hemingway Book by Mary Dearborn
The Hemingway Book by Mary Dearborn
Price: 6.28 USD
Mozart Book 2.0. Batu D.
Mozart Book 2.0. Batu D.
Price: 8.79 USD
There are holidays. About Christmas, St. Nicholas and New Year's traditions in the world
There are holidays. About Christmas, St. Nicholas and New Year's traditions in the world