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Main / Video / Movies / Comedy

Films of the comedy genre - page №: 12

Change Me - Die

"You Replace Me - Die" (2020) is a tense detective series about difficult relationships and intrigues in a family where spouses suspect each other of treason. Complex plot twists, hidden mysteries and unexpected revelations make this series exciting and make the viewer experience each episode.
Falling in Love with Song-jeong

Fall in Love with Song-jeong (2015) is a romantic drama in which a wealthy heiress meets a young actor. Their love becomes a test for both, but they fight for it, breaking barriers and finding meaning together. A film about friendship, love and self-discovery that gently touches the hearts of the audience.
Austin Powers: Goldmember

Austin Powers: Golden Dick (2002) is a comedy spy film in which Austin Powers returns to stop the villain Goldmember, who wants to steal ingenious alien technology. The film is replete with humor, adventure and unexpected plot twists, which makes it attractive to fans of parody comedies and the Austin Powers franchise.
Bodies, Bodies, Bodies

Bodies, Bodies, Bodies (2022) is a mystical thriller following a group of friends whose lives are intertwined around a mysterious incident on an island. As they try to solve the mystery, they encounter otherworldly forces and their own dark secrets. The film explores themes of guilt, redemption and the price of going back in time.
Analyze It

Analyze It (1999) is a comedy film about mafia boss Paul Vito, who needs psychotherapeutic treatment after a panic attack. He ends up with therapist Ben Sobel, whose life becomes incredibly convoluted. The grand plot and funny scenes turn this film into a real comedy masterpiece.
Analyze That

Analyze That (2002) is a sequel to the comedy Analyze It. Mafia boss Paul Vito once again gets into trouble and needs the help of his former therapist Ben Sobel. Funny situations and ridiculous circumstances keep the viewer on their toes, and charismatic characters and witty dialogue make the film fun and exciting.

"Supermasters" (2017) - an animated series about a group of monster children, students in kindergarten. Hilarious stories follow their day-to-day adventures and lessons in friendship, collaboration and self-discovery. Each monster has its own unique abilities that help them solve various problems and overcome difficulties.
Santiago and Its Seas

Santiago and Its Seas (2020) is a cartoon about Santiago, a boy who goes in search of his father on a dangerous sea trip. Inspired by the legacy of Fernand Magellan, the film is filled with adventure, friendship and courage, showing the importance of courage and perseverance in achieving its goals.
Ticket to Paradise

Ticket to Paradise (2023) is a drama about a young man who leaves his hometown to start a new life in search of happiness and success. On the journey, he faces various trials, overcomes difficulties, and seeks the true meaning of his existence.

Molang (2015) is an animated series about the adventures of Molang, a sweet rabbit, and his friend Pio, a chicken. They explore the world around them, face different situations and solve problems using friendship and creativity. The series is full of fun adventures and positives that will lift the spirits of both children and adults.
Camp "Coral

Camp Coral: SpongeBob's Childhood (2021) is an animated film that follows the adventures of young SpongeBob and his friends as children. Fun and ridiculous events unfold in a summer camp, where they encounter new friends and enemies, learn to grow up and accept life challenges without losing their optimism and friendship.
Nate the Almighty

"Nate Almighty" (2022) is a gripping story about a boy named Nate who accidentally discovers supernatural powers in himself. With the help of his new powers, he tries to cope with the problems in his life and become a real hero, helping his friends and protecting them from villains.
Duck Stories

"Duck Stories" (2017) is a return to the famous animated series that became a classic in the 90s. In the new version, the viewer meets his favorite characters - Scrooge McDuck, his nephews and other inhabitants of the city of Crahuorld. Funny, exciting stories and inimitable humor make this animated series a joyful memory of the past and a sought-after spectacle for a new generation.
Watch Them Run

Watch Them Run (2022) is a drama about two brothers whose lives change after a surprise visit to their father's home they haven't seen in years. The encounter forces them to rethink their relationships, family secrets and true values. The film explores themes of forgiveness, family affiliation and identity, offering audiences a deep and emotional experience.
Sophia the Beautiful

"Sofia the Beautiful" (2012) is a anіmatsіyny serіal for dіtey, rozpovіdaє about fit molodoї princes, Sofії you can get your hands on a fine ledі in korolіvstvі. Vona navchaєtsya the mystery of the whirlwind, to the mercy of the one who virіshuvati in trouble, yakі to blame the weekday zhittі she vazhlivі help.

"Amphibian" (2019) - a zakhoplyuyuch of an an_mats_yn of a prigod about a zvichayna a d_vchinka, a yak opinya¾tsya at mag_chny sv_t_ amf_b_y. At once with new friends, she won't rush to live in an uninvited seredovishchі, dolaє she dopomagaє virіshuvati problems with svoєmu new domі.
Elena - Princess Avalora

"Elena is a princess Avalora" (2016) - tse a zakhoplyuyucha of an an_mats_yn _stor_ya about muzhnyu the princess Elena, a yak poverta¾tsya Dodoma, shchob vryatuvat svo є a korol_vstvo v_d zlovmisnik_v. Behind a dopomoga druz_v і mag_chny _stot there to a rozv'yaz є riddles, a dale є pereshkod і to vchitsya quarrystone I spravzhnyoit a l_derka.
Star Princess and the Forces of Evil

"The star princess and the forces of evil" (2015) - a zakhoplyuyuch of an an_mats_yn of a prigod about a d_vchinka on _m'ya the Butterfly stroke, a yak viyavlya¾tsya spadko¾mets of a mag_chny korol_vstvo Is old. Vona vstupaє into a battle zі evil forces, dolayuchi viprovannya, shchob zakhistiti svіy svіt.
Gravity Falls

"Gravity Falls" (2012) is a zakhoplyuyucha of an an_mats_yn ser_ya about dvokh d_ty, yak_ v_dpravlyayutsya in l_to to the uncle in a bit m_stechko. Vony is a mіsto prikhovuє bagato taєmnits і riddles, yakі vony is a rogue, one to one.

"The Menu" (2022) is an exhilarating thriller about a couple facing the dark side of mind games as they engage in a restaurant experiment that turns into a fight for survival. An exciting and atmospheric film about survival and moral dilemmas.
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