Foundling (1939)
The action takes place in a small town, where a young pregnant woman, Maria, leaves her newborn child on the threshold of the house of a young teacher Vari, who lives with her father and grandfather. Varya takes the child under her wing, despite misunderstanding from others.The girl Varya named Nurey becomes a member of their family and brings joy and meaning to their lives. However, social pressure and rejection from society create obstacles to the path of Nyura and her adoptive family. Varya and her father are fighting for the right to recognize Nyura and protect her happiness and well-being.
The film follows the struggle for love and justice amid social injustice and bias. He raises important questions about kindness, compassion and tolerance, showing that true family happiness does not depend on blood ties, but on love and care for loved ones.
1. Varya: A young teacher who takes Nyura under her care and fights for her happiness and protection.
2. Nyura: A girl left on the threshold of the Variny House, who becomes a member of their family and brings joy and light to their lives.
- Compassion and kindness: A study of the power of human kindness and compassion amid social inequalities and misunderstanding.
- Fight for Justice: Showing how the film's characters fight for the right to a happy and fulfilling life amid social hostility and bias.
- Family values: Thinking about the fact that true family happiness does not depend on blood ties, but on love and care for loved ones.
Mark Donskoy created a film that not only captivates the viewer with an exciting plot, but also makes you think about the importance of compassion and tolerance in society.
"Foundling" (1939) is a moving and inspiring film that leaves an unforgettable impression and recalls the importance of kindness and compassion in a world where social inequalities and bias can create barriers to happiness and justice.
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